Don’t you just hate… ?

  1. hiting the wall when you’re aiming the water closet, in the morning
  2. when the only thing missing from the groceries cart is the very reason for which you went shopping
  3. when you start cleaning the floor with the wrong room “blocking” the only way to the bathroom
  4.  having a boner in the most unapropriate moments
  5. waking up next to her, uncapable of enjoying the morning because you have to leave for work
  6. running out of bread when the only type of food that is in your fridge can’t be eaten without it
  7. never figuring out the amount of cereal and milk needed in order not to finish one before the other
  8. when you always eat your food cold, no matter how many times it was in the microwave oven, because you always find other stuff to do meanwhile it’s heating which takes longer than you set the timer
  9. when your door bell rings every time you are NOT dressed
  10. being poked in the balls by somebody’s purse, in a crowded subway
  11. old people in public transport
  12. running your lungs out to be there in time just to find out that she/he will be late?
  13. that annoying ‘beep beep beep’ when the microwave  oven finished it’s “work
  14. when you load new music on your mp3 player and somehow still shuffle on the old songs
  15. when every problem that public transport could have, occurs when you are in a hurry
  16. the week before pay-day
  17. narrow minded people
  18. when you’re expecting a text from someone, the phone rings, you get happy and then have an epic facedrop because it was the service network
  19. snobbish people

    what do you hate?

  20. a sunny day when you’re in the office
  21. wasting time (too much)
  22. the blue screen of death
  23. awkward silence moments
  24. being so sleepy that your eyelids keep closing
  25. foursquare addicts
  26. forgetting your clothes in the washing machine
  27. rush hours
  28. ugly chiks who think they’re beautiful
  29. getting spammed by stupid game invites and stuff on Facebook
  30. clowns
  31. when your headphones get ridiculous tangled
  32. running out of ideas

[sursa foto: google]

About The writer
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” Albert Camus

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